The figure shows the Optimization parameters dialog window, where you can select: an optimization procedure (Optimization procedure), automatic start of optimization procedures (Switch procedures automatically), number of steps (Number of steps of optim. stage), number of optimization re-starts (Number of optim. re-starts) and re-start methods (Re-start methods): random or determined (2 methods), as well as the maximal number of calculation steps (Max. number of steps). Calculation re-start is related to another Delta_x_max parameter, which determines the maximal value of the increments of location modifying vector coordinates. You can also choose one calculation step (Only one step). While calculating, particular parameters can be repeatedly modified.

Three optimization procedures from IMSL library (NNLPF, BCONF, BCPOL), NLPQLP procedure (Prof. K. Schittkowski) and the SSW_MM procedure (M. Martyna) written based on article [1] are applied in the program. They can be used in any order, repeatedly and interchangeably. Choosing Switch procedures automatically switches procedures automatically and repeatedly while calculating. The Number of steps of optim. stage parameter and Number of optim. re-starts parameter determine the calculation complexity of a given optimization stage. The former determines the maximal number of optimization steps in a particular procedure started once. The algorithm of continuing global solution search uses the latter parameter. Having found a local minimum, the algorithm creates a new starting point (on the basis of the minimum point) and restarts calculations. The Re-start methods parameter allows you to select a way of modifying coefficients correcting the starting point location. There are two determined methods and one random method at your disposal. Choosing Switch automatically switches re-start methods automatically and repeatedly while calculating. Delta_x_max defines the maximal increment of the co-ordinates of the position modification vector. Max. number of steps parameter determines the total, permissible number of steps from all calculation stages. It will frequently be used with the Switch procedures automatically option switched on, which will stop calculations as soon as all the ordered steps have been completed.

Clicking Cancel returns you to the Status of the Project dialog window without approving optimization parameters data. Clicking Confirm opens the Status of the Project dialog window, having approved a set of optimization parameters.

[1] Molina D., Lozano M., Sanchez A. M., Herrera F.: Memetic algorithms based on local search chains for large scale continuous optimization problems: MA-SSW-Chains. Springer-Verlag 2010.