The ANALIZA program allows you to: perform measurements using various measuring devices, visualize them (on-line and off-line) and analyze the measurement results.
Data for the program can be measurement results, come from calculations, simulations or can be created by saving to text files.
The program supports:
- various measurement cards (e.g. USB-1616HS-4, USB-204, USB-DaqBoard3031)
- various measuring meters (e.g. Therm, Almemo 5690-2, Almemo 2690-8A)
- various measuring devices (e.g. hydrotechnics, MGCplus amplifier)
The program enables the presentation of waveforms during measurements and allows you to perform many complex operations on the waveforms while analyzing the results (e.g. automatic scaling of waveforms, calculation of derivatives, integrals, removal of measurement noise, filtering and approximation of waveforms, autocorrelation and cross-correlation, fast Fourier transform FFT and FFTB, spectral analysis and determination of signal parameters, synchronization of waveforms recorded simultaneously on various measuring devices).
The program has modules for measurement and analysis of: traction characteristics, thermal measurements, including testing of the thermal stabilization of the drive system, displacement and speed measurements, strain gauge measurements, measurements of ROPS protective structures, and estimation of fatigue life (RainFlow method).
It is also possible to analyze random loads and generate load blocks for accelerated bench tests.
There is also a 'Reports' program option that is used to automatically generate test reports.


The TRASA program is designed to solve VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) problems. The program currently includes the following modules:
- TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem)
- SD-MTSP (extended TSP - the problem of many traveling salesmen starting from a common location),
- MD-MTSP (extended TSP - the problem of many traveling salesmen starting from different locations),
- CVRP (Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem)
- VRPTW (Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows)
- CVRPTW (Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows)
Calculations are performed mainly using a set of proprietary heuristic algorithms. The graphical interface used allows you to observe the calculation process.
In the practical part, the program uses two services: Google API (Geocoding API, Directions API) or Openrouteservice API (Directions API) to determine geographical coordinates as well as distances and travel times between individual locations and to present the location on the map. After performing optimization calculations, the program user obtains the optimal driving route, allowing for savings in time, fuel and the involvement of fewer drivers.
PS_DK_3_3 ..... HARTLEY
Planning the experiment includes methods for determining the function of the object of research, with the least cost. Practical use of experimental design methods involves the use of software suitable for the analyzed problem. This webpage contains two programs: PS_DK_3_3 and HARTLEY. These programs allow you to determine the regression polynomial of the second degree, for the case of tri-level experimental plans.
Calculations in both programs can also be run online for the case of 3 input factors and 2 repetitions.
WYKRES is a program that allows for graphical presentation of various types of data, their analysis and modification. The following chart types are currently supported: linear, logarithmic, histograms and spatial. The data are most often the results of measurements of various quantities over time (measurement files), but they can also be any data placed in files, obtained by other methods. The program reads text files *.txt and *.csv (e.g. from Excel).
The basic functions of the program are: selecting the type of graph and its presentation, changing descriptions in drawings, turning on and off selected signals (measurement channels), showing | hiding points, enlarging selected fragments of charts and presenting current signal values. Additionally, you can modify the content of the data file by saving a new file with selected signals and in the appropriate data ranges.
The BDB program is designed to collect and manage data related to the researcher's work, which involves a large amount of collected and processed information. These can be binary or text data of any type (files with measurement results, drawings, photos, audio and video files, files created with various editors (files such as *.doc, *.pdf, etc.))
The program allows you to organize the research database and provide quick access to the necessary data, both by a single researcher and other staff and management.
The application can be adapted to other user requirements, for example other types of information (fields), the appearance of dialog boxes or additional functions.
The Tens program is mainly used to analyze the results of tensometric tests. It allows for graphical presentation of measurement results, their analysis and modification. Important program options concern determining the extremes of the courses (strains, stresses) and calculating various types of tensometric rosettes. Data for the program are most often the results of tensometric measurements (measurement files) but they can also be any data placed in files, obtained by other methods (e.g. simulation). The program reads text files *asc, *dat, *.txt (Catman) and '*.mea' files (recorded with the MGCplus amplifier for three recording formats: int2, int4 and float). The program allows for the analysis of large data sets in a very short time.
The FIT program is intended for the analysis of waveforms of various quantities and their special approximation. Depending on the needs, the approximation of a given waveform can be performed using all points of the waveform or only selected ones. This selection is done automatically by indicating the multiplicity of the selected points.
The program enables serial approximation, with assessment of the approximation quality. In the program, you can modify the Y values of the approximating waveforms using the mouse or keyboard, adapting the waveforms to your own requirements, and then saving such modified waveforms to files on disk.
Have you compressed and encrypted a file, set of files or folder and forgot your password? This situation can happen to anyone. The HASŁO program will allow you to try to recover lost data. The program uses several tools (hashcat, j&r, zipfile and 7za) to decrypt files with frequently used extensions: zip, rar and 7z. Using the program is very simple. Currently, the program uses the Brute Force method. Passwords can be searched by selecting character sets (lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters) or by indicating specific characters or in a mixed version. Depending on the tool you choose, the password recovery process may use either a processor or an available graphics card.
Words is a program that is used to learn new words (sentences) in a foreign language, but also allows you to consolidate already known vocabulary. Sets of texts (words, sentences) from a specific field are collected and remembered under selected names (topics). The program allows you to test your vocabulary knowledge in both directions - translating a word in a foreign language into a word in your native language and vice versa. An additional difficulty may be, for example, the random order of displaying words from a set of different topics. The presentation of words can be carried out in three ways: selected topic, display topics in sequence or display topics randomly. The ability to read a given word (sentence) in a foreign language allows you to learn the pronunciation of words. The generation of words in a foreign language is carried out in two ways: using Google API or using the Pyttsx3 library. The program requires some work from the user - preparing sets of texts from a specific field (topics), but thanks to this, the user creates only sets of words that interest him and at the same time, by entering texts into the program, he learns the spelling of words.