A computer program GEAR is useful in designing toothed gears with the flank pitch line (GEAR_PH with the pitch helix). These can be classical gears of various degrees of complexity as well as power shift type gears. This program allows a multi-criterion gear optimization with respect to various combinations of criteria. Calculations of the strength parameters are updated in accordance with the standard ISO 6336.
Multi-criterion optimization allows the user to consider any arbitrary combination of partial criteria and their respective weights, enabling a more flexible approach to the design of gear boxes. Application of highly efficient optimization procedures allows the user to quickly find the best solution.
Because of a great number of parameters and coefficients required for calculations, a principle was adopted whereby in the dialog windows we will have predetermined values of nearly all parameters (supplied by the program). Hence, even users with little experience of gear design will be able to perform the calculations and arrive at satisfactory results. Expected benefits of the program GEAR include: shorter design cycle, well optimized gear components and the gear as a whole.
In section Examples are several papers on poly-optimization of power shift type gears, widely applied in heavy machines, such as mobile loaders.